Christmas 2015 ::

Will be going to the wife’s family in CT – should be fun with a few of her aunts and uncles – I get on pretty well with them. Always lots of food – I will be making my malva pudding as well as a spinach/bacon/cheese pie crust less quiche type thing.

Yesterday we put up a new blind in kitchen. Wow, what a difference – the old one was so grimy. Would not surprise me if it was installed when the house was built. With that and the newly painted walls – the tiles are looking very dated. Could it be tackled in bit sized chunks…??

But the main new was I have been trading with real money for a week. Really am enjoying myself – I think I might have finally found my paying passion – something that has eluded me for 42 years. The closest I have been before would have been poker – but, played properly, it is actually extremely slow. When I say passion – I mean something that I enjoy doing – and look forward to the next session. And when I have free time I want to do it.

When I retired early I did hope to find a paying passion – although I do get on quite well with my monthly stipend, more would be better. But, don’t want to slave for “more” – I want to enjoy getting it, hence the paying hobby.

Some idea’s I have had for this hobby included – woodworking, wood turning, working with a forge, some sort of garden produce, painting and a rather far fetched one, writing. And although set myself up to succeed – they just did not grab me. I hoped the passion would come with execution.

Although it is still very early days, and have tons (and I mean tons) still to learn (starting a course at the beginning of jan) – I do think day trading tick all the boxes. I must just not get consumed by it – keep up with my other hobbies( not that I would give up on the veg gardening, that’s just too much fun).

Losses will come, as night follows day – need to have money management systems in place AND risk management systems in place. Really need to find my edge – but thinking a fairly simple system is the way to go. But would rather learn and use all available indicators, then discard them, that not learn them.



Day Trading :: Start

Rather excited about this – this might fit my personality like a glove. Last two weeks i have been playing about with a demo account with GT247 – of course, made money every day! So opened an account on Friday with just R4K, and lost R200. No problem.

It’s almost like betting, but you lose (or win) money gradually and you can give yourself a good edge if you know how to read charts. It looks like a 60/40 win ratio is achievable.

Basically, I do not mind loosing R4K to school fees – but obviously, would rather not. Have decided all money from the remainder of my stock will be used to fund the account – probably around 20K worth or so. I start a 1 month course in Jan – but have been reading up a bit.

Targets would be :: Amount at the end would be the start amount

Jan/Feb 100p/d – R2000p/m :: R4000

Mar/April R200 p/d – R4000 p/m :: R8000 + R5000 = R13000

May/June R300 p/d – R6000 p/m :: R25 000

July onwards – R500 p/d R10K per month

This would be more than enough if that worked out!

If it worked and I was successful – we could think about moving to Portugal/Spain or France. I do not think this country is on the right path and would prefer to live/ travel in Europe, but have a flat here and spend a few months every year here – and escape the European winter. Something with a view and a garage that I can store a m/bike and small car.

Dreaming, I know.

Of course, there are “problems” to this plan – what about dogs? Or do we scrap the flat here and just come for a 2 week holiday every year? Could travel with a dog in a camper van around Europe. Could I reverse it, convert to Euro’s and trade and make money in Euro’s??

Let’s first do the hours and get this dream working before spending the money 🙂

Going for a ride to Wellington Spur for breakfast.

December 2015::

Been an interesting month so far. Stocks put a pounding when our prez decided to fire our rather competent finance minister, Mr Nene and replace him with some no name, ex failed mayor. Market went one way – esp banks, retail and property – the bulk of my portfolio. He had to back track and bring back Mr Gorham into the post. Zuma is truly an idiot – but “we”voted for him. Lot’s of people marching against him – if that makes them feel happier, good for them. I just hope he is not letting the EFF in – I said to my wife that if the EFF ever win, I am selling and moving.

It made me think that I really need to be able to short the market. Did a bit of research and also found out about a cheap (as in R19!) course on trading. So joined GT247 with very low trading fees which I have been doing fairly well on. Have being doing that well that I want to fund is straight away and see if this is that easy to make – it can’t be, surely? Or is this just a perfect fit with my personality? It’s weird – they way it’s going I could literally write my own monthly pay check – so something must be wrong. I am enjoying it – I might have found the perfect thing for me to make extra money. Course starts in January – hopefully get some more idea’s out of it.

Otherwise, pretty much on holiday – will only paint our room/MES next year. Went to the rugby 7’s in CT last week – good day out. Booked tickets when they came out, bargain at R100. Parked at the Waterfront, missed breakfast at Spur so has a quick bite at McDonalds.

Veg garden is doing very well – getting lots of veg now. Only problem is pumpkin fly nailing marrows and cucumbers. Have tried covering them with some success.

Jamming around ::

Finally finished painting the second guest room – so just our room left to do. Have been planting a fair amount of fruit seeds – what will grow and bear fruit is a mystery, but life needs some mystery right? Veg garden is producing nicely – tomatoes though are still small and green, might only see some in a month or so. Have tried protecting cucumbers and marrows from pumpkin flies – have only had one cucumber but had to throw it away – but need to make a plan. No point watering something you do not get anything from it.

A friend, J, invited me around to pick some plums. I said I would bring M’s wife L with as I knew she would be interested in making jam. Took a ladder with, luckily I did as all the fruit that was left was high up. Means I had to do all the picking. But walked away with around 7kgs of fruit. Made two batches of fruit roll, looks yummy – deep red color. And, for the first time, a big bottle of jam. I was surprised at how tart is was – I had added a 1kg of suger, and I thought the plums where sweet! But did get it so set so was pretty happy with the result.

Will pop around and give J some – want to be first in line next year when the plums are ready! Funny, although his house is only around 1km away, he says they do not have mousebirds! Weird.