Monday 28th September ::

Will be leaving for a a short break to Durban on Friday – when we come back 5 days later my father is visiting. So a bit of organising and general tiding is probably due. Quite far with the veg garden – will try have all the beds and frame up so when I get back it’s just a case of hanging the netting. I did get all my gear up on Bob last week, so that was good.

My Friends and their money :: Friends four, Mr M and Mr D

I’ve decided to put these two together as they both have made the same mistake. Must say though, I do not know Mr M that well and seldom speak to Mr D – he was a good friend from school.

But both could of bought flats – but rather rented houses. Now, if you are financially savvy, renting instead of buying can make sense as long as you INVEST the monies saved. But what percent of the population would actually do that? 5% if you lucky?

Unfortunately these guys did not want to live in a flat – so instead of at least getting on the property ladder, they rent a house that they could not to afford and hope that their financial situation will improve (lottery anyone?) – but of course, the house rent is a bit of a a stretch so not much is being put aside for a nice chunky deposit to eventually get that house.

In Mr M case, they are now about to have a baby – and his wife is having to go back to work after 2 months as they going to need the extra salary. As said, I do not know them that well so certainly do not know their financial situation – I know (from their jobs) they will not be earning a fortune – admin type jobs -and it sounds like they rent a normal sized house, probably around R7000 p/m and they share a pretty new small car – probably around R3000 p/m. I think of their moms live with them and that could be the reason for the larger house – and helps with the rent as I guess they probably pull out around R15K between them.

But it looks like they are living pay check to pay check – and unless they are putting something aside now (unlikely now/ highly unlikely with a new baby) – they not ever going to be able to get a deposit for a house/ buy a second hand car for cash.

I am not sure where Mr D is at the moment – I just know at one point, before the housing market went mad, they had been looking at houses but could not find one they could afford – and they refused to live in a flat. For the last few years years they have been living in his parents house with the parents living in a cottage.

21st September 2015 :: Monday

Did quite a bit in the garden last week – cleaning up as we had guests for a braai Friday. Playing a fair amount of tennis – so did a fair a mount of work units, although hardly work though, is it? Tennis is going well, one my first tennis single games (I think) – hitting the ball well. That said, I have no problem loosing as long as the game is competitive and we both have fun. Playing with some idiot that takes the game way to serious is not my idea of fun.

Got a bit more cash into the account and today spent most of the day sorting out the last box to go up on BoB – mainly costumes, with Summer on us I figured best I get them sold! Probably get around R7K for the lot – so a fair amount.

Had the yard sale again – got R250, so with R100 left over from last time  should be able to get 7m x 3m – more than enough for the roof. So will carry on with the veg garden. Had been fairly windy, so my one cover blew off – birds then had a good go at the spinach.

Monday 14 September :: The Week Ahead

Did not get much done last week, half way through I sort of gave up and took the week off – something you can do when you’ve retired I guess!

The first half of the week was the saga of the car, then I can guys installing moors on the outside gate, then Friday we went on a picnic (tuned out to be the wrong day) to the West Coast National Park and had one of our windows smashed.

I did get a new blade onto the ripsaw and cleaned up the back a bit – but then had to remove quite a bit from a tree that was blocking my DSTV signal.

The only job I want to complete this week is getting the vegetable garden finished – the wind is picking up and the netting will provide protection. So I need to make a few more veg boxes. Will be spending Monday morning on posting stuff, getting my books back from the book keeper and taking the car in to get it’s window replaced.

Monday 07 September 2015 :: The week ahead

Had a really good week last week – not only did I go in every day for BoB sales, I also had my best week in work units. League tennis has begun, so more time on court – but I did have a couple of good evenings working on my wood turning. I think trying to incorporate more varied units into the day helps. Lastly, only watching TV from 19H00 is also better – getting a bit done later in the day.

Have a list of small jobs to do as well as a small project on the lathe, a new sconce for the newly painted spare bedroom. Will design it in sketchup. Then I need to get the battens on the veg garden. Will try get a lot of the smaller jobs out the way so I can start painting the lounge next week.

Monday 31st August :: The week ahead

So had another decent week – finished painting the one spare room. Then on the cooking side did two interesting things. One I made a a great bean stew using sugar beans for lunch. Big deal you might say, but this is only the second time I have used dry beans in cooking, the first was using black eyed beans the week before. Trying to cut down on carbs – but also looking to cut down on meat eventually. Very happy with the way the beans came out – could see it replacing the meat portion on a plate.

The I also made saurkraut – or at least, some sort of version of it using the mason jars. Very salty – I am sure way to much, but nice and crunchy and goes quite nicely with the beans.

As said in the year wrap up, although I often get the work units that I would like, they are often too concentrated in projects – I would like to spread out my time a bit more. So want to start doing at least one unit a day in the garden, studying and hobbies. Cutting out a bit of TV between 6 and 7:30 for hobbies. Want to really get more proficient with the lathe.

Then had a small garage sale ( well, joined a friends and paid him 20% commission) – got out around R400. Great, will be doing it again soon. Anyway, R300 went on battens for the new veg garden. In Ver.2 I cover the whole garden with netting, instead of the individual boxes. Just makes everything easier – from weeding to harvesting to picking out snails.

So the weather looks great for the week – so will hold off on the painting of the lounge, but will try get the garden looking good and start on the veg garden Ver.2. Battens are only 38 x 38 treated pine, so will give them two coats of paint to help protect them.

And need to run some wire down to the spot of the gate motor in conduit. I have put an offer on a new car that looks perfect – 10% under what they asking for it though.

Financial Targets ::

31st August 2015 :

Main Account :: R900K
Small Account :: R64K
TFSA :: R28K
RA :: R30K

Dividends Received after tax R36K (2014 22K – but capital varied)

Target for the year ahead :: Besides 12% capital growth would like to double the TFSA to R60K by using fresh capital from sale of stock – have around R40K left. Cannot really work out capital growth as the amount fluctuated so much.