Time Management – when you’re not great at it.


Not great? That is quite the understatement – I am useless at it. It’s actually a problem I have had all through life – lofty plans that come to naught. Mainly comes down to procrastination – but there is also a healthy dose of just plan slothfulness in there as well.

If there is one thing that makes me grumpy, it’s my laziness. So the more I wind down, the more I get wound up! – come on, that’s funny! So obviously, knowing how much free time I was going to have on my hands was a bit of a worry – although it would be nice to think how busy and happy I was going to be, the reality is, I am just not made that way.

Please do not think I need to be busy and productive all the time – not at all. But I do like having that sense of purpose and being able to look at achievements. But I certainly do not mind plenty of down time.

So three weeks ago I decided to start a new system – and maybe because I had done this dance before and made it easier to use and the goals very achievable, I am still using it today. It is also achieving it’s objectives – making me work a little harder and  recording that work.

Basically, it’s just a spread sheet with the time in half hour segments at the top – days of the week in rows. There is also a key with different work types designated by a different colour. Types are: DIY, Chores, Projects, Gardening, Studying, Fitness and Computer Work (taxes/bidorbuy work) – Might have to add in blog work! For me to fill in a block with color I must have done 20minutes for one block and 45 minutes for two.

The goal so far has been to fill in 50 blocks a week. Which on the whole, has been done – it was quite hard while the French Open has been on! What I am finding is before, when I would have “given up” on a day, now I go “if I fill in 2 blocks today, that’s two blocks I do not have to do later – an I do feel a sense of achievement when I have a 10 blocker plus day!

I will probably move it up to 55 units after 4 weeks or so. Some of you might say logging chores and fitness should not really be apart of it – but it works for me.

So for those that also are procrastinators and have problems getting down to it, might be worth giving this system a chance. Just set achievable goals and do them before pushing further.

2 thoughts on “Time Management – when you’re not great at it.

    1. Hi. I would say very well, I do push myself a little bit harder and also find I am more likely to squeeze in a job here and there instead of flopping on the couch or in front of the PC. I am now using it in conjunction with a revolving to do list – which means I focus a bit more and not go off at a tangent.


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