Jamming around ::

Finally finished painting the second guest room – so just our room left to do. Have been planting a fair amount of fruit seeds – what will grow and bear fruit is a mystery, but life needs some mystery right? Veg garden is producing nicely – tomatoes though are still small and green, might only see some in a month or so. Have tried protecting cucumbers and marrows from pumpkin flies – have only had one cucumber but had to throw it away – but need to make a plan. No point watering something you do not get anything from it.

A friend, J, invited me around to pick some plums. I said I would bring M’s wife L with as I knew she would be interested in making jam. Took a ladder with, luckily I did as all the fruit that was left was high up. Means I had to do all the picking. But walked away with around 7kgs of fruit. Made two batches of fruit roll, looks yummy – deep red color. And, for the first time, a big bottle of jam. I was surprised at how tart is was – I had added a 1kg of suger, and I thought the plums where sweet! But did get it so set so was pretty happy with the result.

Will pop around and give J some – want to be first in line next year when the plums are ready! Funny, although his house is only around 1km away, he says they do not have mousebirds! Weird.

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