Year one done and dusted ::

So, first year almost done and dusted! Time to take stock. Although I could always do with more, the money I have is sufficient bar any unforeseen emergency. That said, as I do know things crop up from time to time, I do hope to still be adding to my share accounts, even if very slightly. And although I do not have huge amounts of spare cash, there is enough for us to plan for a month long cruise – even if it does mean saving for 2 years!

Very happy with the dividend withdraw method – seriously, I would find it a lot more stressful if I had to time share sales as well as go through volatility in the market. That said, my little extra share account has a few of the shares I would like if dividends where not taken in account – although, not showing much growth! ah well.

Instead of taking money out of dividends and reinvesting will just let the money in the TFSA and small account grow and will reinvest the dividends from those accounts. So my stash is growing. Still have around R40K worth of stock to move so should have around R140K in the small accounts.

I would constantly like to make a bit of cash on the side. I could always do with a bit more, plus I think it gives me a bit of self worth – not sure why, but it does. I have thought of importing items from China for resale – not so sure about it now – but do enjoy buy/sell process with BOB.

I am not sticking with any of my hobbies – which is a pity. I am enjoying gardening – well, the vegetable part anyway. I still find the idea of a homestead very appealing and I think rewarding. Might grow items for sale, plants, herbs or vegetable would work.

Have been kept reasonably busy doing jobs around the house – and there is still tons to do. I have, to a certain degree, sorted out my workshop. It’s a lot more organised but I think it’s one of those jobs that is never done.

I am better at organising my time – and by pushing myself even a little bit, I just feel better and then enjoy my off hours more.

Health wise I am great – bar the touch of flu I have at the moment. I am loving my tennis and DH an myself might try a bit of mountain biking. We did an 18km a week or so back and although tiring, enjoyed it. Will try do a local weekly ride and eventually do a once a month “proper” ride. Nice to do something outdoors together.

Have sold my car – which was a great decision. Will eventually sell this car and get a small station wagon with a tow bar. That should take care of 99% of our motoring needs. No in a rush, have the money set aside so am just keeping a look out for a good one.

Do look at money slightly differently – and this is going to sound a bit weird – I enjoy spending my monthly amount – with no “buyers remorse” – I often spend money/think of spending and wonder if I was wasting it – now I have it and will spend it. THAT SAID, I really am more careful when I spend money – and really weigh up if I really need that object and if I cannot use something in place of it or make something. Instead of buying objects I do seem to spend more on outings.

Goals for the coming year.

Could loose a bit of weight – 95kg would be ideal – sitting at 112kg at the moment. In case someone stumble on this, it must be noted I am very tall and even at 112Kg’s I am not fat! The weight loss would be appreciated by my knees on the courts. So basically, eat a bit better, keep with the tennis, add in a bike ride hear and there and ether walk or cycle to the shops.

Get a lot further in the veg garden. Have the perfect place for it now, just need to carry on working at it. But on the right track.

Try not to watch so much TV and spend more time on getting a hobby or two up and running. Would be great to be able to sell and item that I made.

Write a book! I have had an idea for a kids book for years – maybe it’s time I put it to paper

Finish a course! Almost there with sketchup.

Keep on with the house – get the garden looking presentable and keep it that way. As with the car.

Live within budget and save for that holiday – should have around R12K when I write this again plus a bit in the joint holiday account. Should be enough to book.

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